Bonus material
Include additional content to your course curriculum to provide further value to your students.
Bonus 1: The Most Glorious OM
If you want to reset your state of being-ness toute de suite, chanting is definitely your jam. In this bonus material, we will explore the *master* bija (seed sound) of OM, also known as a a primordial [there before or at the Big Bang]. Plus, OM chanting is the fast track to activating the Ventral Branch of the vagus nerve where so much goodness can be found. The results can range from subtle to very powerful so always be your own best guide. Enjoy. xx-M
Bonus 2: Write.It.All.Down
As the icon says, it's your birthday! And here is a present... Ever feel like your head is about to explode with all the stuff you've got in it? Print these pages out and get to writing whatevs comes into your head: --Free associations --To do lists --Memories or plans --Stories and letters --Anything else Print these pages over and over and write, write, write. Do this before or after doing BIR [or chanting in the Bonus OM section], in the morning as part of your daily routine, or anytime you are stuck or overwhelmed. Afterwards you will feel clearer and and calmer. Plus doing anything with your hands has so many positive effects. Enjoy xx-M
Bonus 3: Visioning
When you are clear and calm--either after doing BIR and/or any of the bonus materials--it's time for more guided writing. Here you will take a begin at your life planning. What what? Yep, you will use some guided prompts to help you think about creating the life you want. So get your pens ready and your thinking cap on.